Friday, July 27, 2012


Too much play .... now it's time to pay the piper. Deadlines, deadlines, oxygen please.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Things I learned this week

Life is a series of lessons. Here are some of mine for this past week:

1. Dollar store aluminum foil is a waste of money. Even if it's only a dollar, keep that bill and use it for gum or something. This foil is akin to trying to wrap your leftovers by applying gold leaf.

2. I think too much. I even think about overthinking. It's exhausting.

3. If you feel persecuted or put upon, that's your problem. Say, this isn't working for me. Life is a negotiation, and that negotiation doesn't have to be painful.

4. Allergies get worse as soon as you notice them. Case in point: Why am I sneezing so much? Oh, I must be allergic to cats. Five minutes later = hives, then checking in the mirror for more hives.

5. When the ceiling fan is up too high, the sound is blood chilling, like the rattle on a rattlesnake. You're hot, it's dark, and yet, it's better to sleep with it off. Otherwise, it sounds as if you are just seconds from decapitation.

6. If I have an excuse -- even a flimsy one -- to wear a costume, I take it.

7. If more of you out there would take the costume chance, then I wouldn't be the only pirate (besides the man with the parrot on his shoulder) at the party.

8. Good friends are very good for the soul.

9. People never tire of saying, "Have you thought about writing for Southern Living?" Yes, and if you know anyone there, please feel free to send my name along.

10. If you don't learn the lesson the first time, no worries. You'll have the chance to learn it again. It's your lesson, after all.