When you take the plunge, there is a time when your breath feels as if it escapes you. The water slows your fall to the bottom, bubbles float around you and finally, one toe touches the bottom of the pool. Then it's the push to the top, time speeds again and you move through the bubbles that you just created by your jump.
That's where I am, moving through the bubbles I've created.
As usual, I had outlandish hopes: that now I would be 10,000 words down the road on the fiction, have enough articles lined up for September to warrant a celebratory dinner somewhere in this new city I'm just beginning to not get lost in, and have my office set up to the cozy cocoon of writer's inspiration.
But instead, I barely have gotten it together to purchase the correct file folders. In fact, that required a return trip back to Office Depot.
Then there's the matter of the computer, my glorious, adorable, fast-as-lightening Macbook that I promptly tried to install OSX on when (as was evident by the full dock and working desktop), it already had. Hey, the disc said install, OK?
So a call to Apple to help me erase and reinstall the thing that was already perfectly installed, then a call to my Wireless router company's call center to speak with a nice woman from India with a very thick accent to ask how to restart the router (the $30.99 edition amazingly didn't come with many instructions), and then some "Network Diagnostics" on the new baby to get her to talk to the router, and well, my day was more than over.
This is really no surprise to those who know me. I spent my first day alone in the house without a television because 5 minutes after B. left for work, I hit too many buttons on the remote and shut down our new cable system. Then there's the semi-famous fact that although I can concoct Chicken Marsala from memory, microwave popcorn is beyond me. (Yes, I know -- feel free to provide me a tutorial then watch as it chars and black, acrid smoke fills the entire city block. You won't be the first.)
However, at present I am working wirelessly on my new laptop, and it seems that I've made some progress towards the top today. Stay tuned, setting up my new Nano is next.