Since it's October and I'm the author of two books of ghost stories (they are listed on the column to the right), I thought I'd jump on that bandwagon a bit and share some things that make my spine tingle a bit. Here is the first: lifelike dolls.
Exhibit A |
Exhibit A is a perfect example, complete with those special effect "go to black" eyes in this photo. I took this photo at 11 p.m. at night in Hot Springs, Ark. Little Western Farmer was all lit up in his store window, shining like a creepy beacon on the dark, deserted street back to my hotel. His little feet dangle, his haircut is Damien in its perfection, and his little mouth is open in glee, revealing the hint of milk teeth.
I didn't get to sleep quickly that night, but that wouldn't have been the first time dolls haunted me. Dolls have been featured in many of my b&b rooms, so much so that during one visit to Newton, N.C., I had to sit them all outside my door, hoping I could wake up and return them to their set ups on the fireplace mantel before the owner awoke.
Antique dolls, with their too-heavy China heads attached to soft bodies in christening dresses have leaned brokenly against many a night stand, and even the Sunday advertising inserts often feature weird renditions of little girls that look ready for their closeup on Toddlers & Tiaras.
So watch out for dolls this Halloween season, especially if their eyes seem to follow you about a room ... and if they're riding tractors in Arkansas, it's a no brainer -- stay away from them!
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